The Library Board of Trustees for the Glen Ridge Public Library has the authority to establish reasonable rules pertaining to the usage of the Glen Ridge Public Library (hereafter “Library”), as well as the right to exclude any person who willfully violates them. The purpose of this policy is to express the roles and responsibilities patrons have to ensure the library’s physical and virtual spaces are welcoming, safe and secure. Public Library spaces are precious community assets that rely on the stewardship, mutual support, and goodwill of all. In order to allow all patrons to make maximum use of the Library during regularly scheduled hours and to provide a safe, suitable environment for the specific purposes or reading, studying, attending programs and using Library materials and resources, all patrons are required to comply with the following Code of Conduct. Patrons are participants in a shared, public use environment and must conduct themselves accordingly. They will be courteous, considerate, and understanding of Library patrons and staff.
Patrons shall not violate any Federal, State, County, or local statute or ordinance.
The Code of Conduct shall apply to the building, interior and exterior, and all grounds controlled and operated by the Glen Ridge Public Library Board of Trustees (hereafter “premises”) and to all persons entering in and on the premises.
The Code of Conduct has a threefold purpose:
Library personnel will enforce the above rules. Library patrons violating any of these rules may be asked to leave by the staff member in charge and are subject to immediate loss of library privileges and/or legal proceeding, which may include police intervention and arrest. Refusal to leave when properly directed may result in arrest and prosecution for trespassing. Library personnel shall maintain written documentation of all violations of the Code of Conduct detailing the person cited for the violation and the time, date and nature of the violation.
Long term loss (suspension or revocation) of library privileges shall be determined by the Library Director through written notice, to be delivered in person within the Library and/or sent by certified mail to the patron’s last known address. A violation of the law may result in arrest and prosecution.
Patrons who wish to appeal their loss of privileges may submit a written letter of appeal to the Library Director within ten (10) days of the Director’s notice. Written appeals shall be promptly forwarded to the President of the Glen Ridge Library Board of Trustees, who will convene a committee and make a determination within thirty (30) days. The decision of the President’s Committee is final.
Revised by the Library Board of Trustees on June 30, 2020
Revised May 27, 2021 to remove COVID-19-specific rules
The Library Board of Trustees for the Glen Ridge Public Library has the authority to establish reasonable rules pertaining to the usage of the Glen Ridge Public Library (hereafter “Library”), as well as the right to exclude any person who willfully violates them. The purpose of this policy is to express the roles and responsibilities patrons have to ensure the library’s physical and virtual spaces are welcoming, safe and secure. Public Library spaces are precious community assets that rely on the stewardship, mutual support, and goodwill of all. In order to allow all patrons to make maximum use of the Library during regularly scheduled hours and to provide a safe, suitable environment for the specific purposes or reading, studying, attending programs and using Library materials and resources, all patrons are required to comply with the following Code of Conduct. Patrons are participants in a shared, public use environment and must conduct themselves accordingly. They will be courteous, considerate, and understanding of Library patrons and staff.
Patrons shall not violate any Federal, State, County, or local statute or ordinance.
The Code of Conduct shall apply to the building, interior and exterior, and all grounds controlled and operated by the Glen Ridge Public Library Board of Trustees (hereafter “premises”) and to all persons entering in and on the premises.
The Code of Conduct has a threefold purpose:
- To protect the rights and safety of Library patrons,
- To protect the rights and safety of Library staff members and volunteers, and
- To preserve and protect the Library’s materials, facilities and property.
- Leave any child unattended under the age of eight*), or any other person who needs care unattended in the Library without adult supervision. Libraries are public places and the Library cannot serve in loco parentis (in place of parents). Caregivers and attendants are responsible to remain available for the personal and/or special needs of those entrusted in their care. The Library cannot be responsible for any consequences of caregivers forfeiting their responsibilities. *See Safe Child Policy.
- Request staff to protect or monitor personal belongings. The Library is not responsible for personal property. Personal items left by patrons who are not present on Library premises are subject to disposal. For security purposes, do not leave bags unattended.
- Film, photograph, or interview patrons within the Library, unless approved by the Library Director. Approved filming or photography should not interfere with Library operations or patrons’ rights to privacy.
- Smoke, carry, or possess any lighted tobacco, or use any tobacco product or electronic smoking device in the Library.
- Possess, sell, distribute, consume, or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances in the Library as defined by N.J.S.A. 24:21-2.
- Bring animals into the Library building except those in Library programming, service animals (as defined by ADA law), or animals used by law enforcement agencies.
- Fail to wear appropriate attire, including shoes and shirt.
- Bring bicycles, scooters, roller skates, or other types of transportation in the Library building. The only modes of transportation allowed inside the building are individual devices needed by the handicapped, baby carriages, or strollers.
- Harass and/or act abusive, in any manner, towards other Library patrons and staff.
- Interfere with the free passage of Library staff or patrons in or on the Library premises.
- Engage in disruptive conduct including loud talking to others or in monologues, rude language, making noise, singing, running, pushing, fighting, staring at another person with the intent to annoy, or inappropriate, lewd and/or immoral conduct. This also includes the use of loud, offensively coarse and/or abusive language.
- Engage in sexual activity, contact, or assault or any act of lewdness or exposure prohibited by N.J.S.A. 2c:14-1, including, but not limited to, the physical manipulation or touching of a person, or the person’s intimate parts through a person’s clothing, and other physical contact or sexual activity which is inappropriate in a public space.
- Use computers and/or the internet to display sexually explicit and/or lewd materials, including, but not limited to materials which are obscene, pornographic and/or inappropriate or harmful to minors.
- Panhandle or solicit. Solicitation of contributions or signatures and the conducting of surveys except those directly relating to the Library are prohibited unless approved by the Director or the Library Board of Trustees.
- Petition, canvass, or sell merchandise anywhere on Library premises unless approved by the Director or Library Board of Trustees.
- Carry a weapon into the Library, unless authorized by law.
- Sleep in or on Library premises.
- Loiter on Library premises, thereby creating a nuisance to those who are trying to enter or exit the building or use Library resources.
- Possess bodily hygiene so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to others.
- Pose a health risk due to personal hygiene or conduct.
- Place personal belongings including but not limited to, backpacks, large bags, suitcases, shopping carts or other items on or against the building, furniture, equipment or fixtures in a manner that interferes with the library staff or patron use of the Library facility.
- Use electronic devices in a manner that disrupts others. Cell phones must be set to silent or vibrate mode. The use of cell phones is permitted, provided such use does not disturb others. Headphones must be used when listening to sound on a library computer or personal device.
- Engage in any other activities that are inconsistent with those activities normally associated with the use of public library facilities that include reading, studying and using library materials.
- Steal, damage, deface, destroy, or vandalize Library materials, premises, supplies, or equipment. Any materials removed from the Library must be checked out in accordance with established procedures. No person shall purposely conceal Library materials on their persons or among their belongings. Library personnel may inspect briefcases, handbags, and other packages to assure compliance with Library policies. N.J.S.A. 2c: 20-14.
- Abuse or disregard Library loaning policies including, failure to pay fines and fees. All Library material shall be returned in accordance with the terms of the loan.
- Misuse the restroom, e.g. as a laundry, or bathing facility, or willfully clog plumbing.
- Take Library materials into the restroom.
- Move, rearrange, or misuse furniture or equipment. No person shall climb on or place their feet or shoes on furniture, sit on arms of chairs, or lay down on the furniture. Furniture shall not be moved without the express permission of Library personnel.
- Enter non-public areas without permission.
- Remain inside the Library before or after posted hours of operation.
- Drink or eat near Library computers and equipment, or in the Local History Archive and Research Area. Eat in designated areas only. Drinks must be in covered containers. Properly dispose of trash.
- Manipulate or/interfere with Library computers, Internet reservations, and/or print management systems.
- Violate the Library’s Computer and Internet Use Policy.
- Conduct unapproved meetings or fail to adhere to proper Library procedures for reserving the meeting room.
Library personnel will enforce the above rules. Library patrons violating any of these rules may be asked to leave by the staff member in charge and are subject to immediate loss of library privileges and/or legal proceeding, which may include police intervention and arrest. Refusal to leave when properly directed may result in arrest and prosecution for trespassing. Library personnel shall maintain written documentation of all violations of the Code of Conduct detailing the person cited for the violation and the time, date and nature of the violation.
Long term loss (suspension or revocation) of library privileges shall be determined by the Library Director through written notice, to be delivered in person within the Library and/or sent by certified mail to the patron’s last known address. A violation of the law may result in arrest and prosecution.
Patrons who wish to appeal their loss of privileges may submit a written letter of appeal to the Library Director within ten (10) days of the Director’s notice. Written appeals shall be promptly forwarded to the President of the Glen Ridge Library Board of Trustees, who will convene a committee and make a determination within thirty (30) days. The decision of the President’s Committee is final.
Revised by the Library Board of Trustees on June 30, 2020
Revised May 27, 2021 to remove COVID-19-specific rules